@echo off cls echo GRADLE environment for JIBS builds set JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk1.8.0_40 set GRADLE_HOME=C:\dev\gradle-2.2.1 set LAUNCH4J_HOME=C:\dev\launch4j set PATH=%GRADLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH% c: cd \Users\Gerhard\GitHub\jibs\jibs echo BASIC LIFECYCLE: echo assemble Assembles all the archives in the project. echo check Performs all verification tasks in the project. echo build Performs a full build of the project. echo buildNeeded Performs a full build of the project and all projects it depends on. echo buildDependents Performs a full build of the project and all projects which depend on it. echo buildConfigName Assembles the artifacts in the specified configuration echo uploadConfigName Assembles and uploads the artifacts in the specified configuration echo echo OPTIONS: echo -v Version: Shows Gradle version echo -s Stack Trace echo -q Quiet: Less logging info echo -i Info: more info echo -d Debug: Lots of Info echo echo APPLICATION PLUGIN TASKS: echo run Starts the application echo distZip Creates a full distribution ZIP archive echo including runtime libraries and OS specific scripts. echo startScripts Creates OS specific run scripts echo installApp Installs the application into: build/install/jibs echo distZip Creates a full distribution ZIP archive echo including runtime libraries and OS specific scripts. echo echo JAVA PLUGIN TASKS: echo compileJava Compiles production Java source files using javac. echo processResources Copies production resources into the production classes directory. echo classes Assembles the production classes directory. echo compileTestJava Compiles test Java source files using javac. echo processTestResources Copies test resources into the test classes directory. echo testClasses Assembles the test classes directory. echo jar Assembles the JAR file echo javadoc Generates API documentation for the production Java source, using echo Javadoc echo test Runs the unit tests using JUnit or TestNG. echo uploadArchives Uploads artifacts in the archives configuration, including the JAR file echo clean Deletes the project build directory. echo cleanTaskName Deletes files created by specified task echo cleanJar will delete the JAR file created by the jar task echo cleanTest will delete the test results created by the test task echo echo eclipse Creates Eclipse project files echo eclipseClean Removes Eclipse project files echo echo OPTIONS: echo -v Shows Gradle version echo -q More logging info echo echo MOST COMMON: echo gradle build echo gradle uberJar echo gradle run