Java Image Browser Sorter

Java Image Browser Sorter

An Image Viewer and Utilities



Sorting Pictures

You can sort pictures by clicking on the picture and dragging to the file tree on the right.
Drag a picture

You can also select a group of pictures from the file list on the left and drage the group to the file tree on the right.
Drag a picture

You can change the directory shown in the file list by double-clicking on a directory in the file tree. You can also right click on the directory you want and select "Show Single Directory" from the pop-up.
Drag a picture

Main Screen

Viewer Screen


SpaceNext Picture
CTRL-SpacePrevious Picture
EnterNext Picture
CTRL-EnterPrevious Picture
UpPrevious Picture
DownNext Picture
LeftPrevious Picture
RightNext Picture
InsertRepeat Move
CTRL-InsertMove to Park Directory
F8, M, ALT-M, CTRL-MBrings list of recent directories to move selected files to
DeleteMove to Delete Directory
HomeGo to first picture
EndGo to last picture
Page UpGo up 10%
Page DownGo down 10%
EscapeCancel full screen and go back to regular screen.
BackspaceUndo Move
CTRL-BackspaceRedo Move
ASelect all pictures
CClear current selection of pictures
F5 Toggle full screen on primary screen
ALT-F5 Toggle full screen slide show on secondary screen
F6 Toggle full screen on primary screen
ALT-F6 Toggle full screen slide show on secondary screen
Keypad 0/InsRepeat Move
Keypad 1/EndGo to last picture
Keypad 2/DownGo up 10%
Keypad 3/PgDn/Go down 10%
Keypad 4/LeftPrevious Picture
Keypad 5Does nothing!
Keypad 6/RightNext Picture
Keypad 7/HomeGo to first picture
Keypad 8/UpPrevious Picture
Keypad 9/PgUpGo up 10%
Keypad /Go up 10%
Keypad *Go down 10%
Keypad -Previous Picture
Keypad +Next Picture
Keypad Entern/a Enter doesn't do anything!
Keypad ./DelMove to Delete Directory

Picture Movement

Show the next picture in the directory
Press Space Bar
Press Down Arrow Key
Press Right Arrow Key
Press Enter Key
Use Mouse Wheel
If you are in full resize mode the Down and Right Arrow Keys work without the Ctrl. If you are not in full resize, the Arrow Keys move the picture around the screen.
Show the prior picture in the directory
Press Ctrl-Space Bar
Press Up Arrow Key
Press Left Arrow Key
Press Ctrl-Enter Bar
Use Mouse Wheel
If you are in full resize mode the Down and Right Arrow Keys work without the Ctrl. If you are not in full resize, the Arrow Keys move the picture around the screen.
Show the first picture in the directory
Press Home Key
Show the last picture in the directory Press End Key
Advance apx. 10% further in the directory
Press Page Down Key
Retreat apx. 10% backwards in the directory Press Page Up Key
Jump to a specific picture
Hold Ctrl Key down and type the number you want to jump to. Picture will jump when you release the Ctrl Key.
Jump a specific number ahead
Hold Alt Key down and type the number forward you want to jump to. Typing a negative number will move you backwards.
Key Pad
+ Next picture
- Prior picture
* Jump 10 pictures forward
/ Jump 10 pictures backward
Move current file shown to last directory you dropped something in Insert
Move current file shown to park directory Ctrl-Insert
Moves current file show to trash directory (or moves selected group of files) Delete

Basic Screen

F5 Full screen on primary display, no slide show

Alt F5
Full screen on primary display, slide show
F6 Full screen on primary display, no slide show

Alt F6
Full screen on primary display, slide show
A or Ctrl-A Select all files
C or Ctrl-C Deselect all files
S Select current file
D Deselect current file
S Selects the current picture.
S + SPACE or RIGHT or DOWN Selects the current picture, moves to next picture and select it.
S + LEFT or UP Selects the current picture, moves to prior picture and select it.
S + PAGE_DOWN Selects the current picture, moves to regular page down, selects it and everything in between.
S + PAGE_UP Selects the current picture, moves to regular page up, selects it and everything in between.
S + HOME Selects the current picture, moves to regular home, selects it and everything in between.
S + END Selects the current picture, moves to regular end, selects it and everything in between.
S + SPACE Selects the current picture, moves to regular page down, selects it and everything in between.
D Deselects the current picture.
D + SPACE or RIGHT or DOWN Deselects the current picture, moves to next picture and deselects it.
D + LEFT or UP Deselects the current picture, moves to prior picture and select it.
D + PAGE_DOWN Deselects the current picture, moves to regular page down, deselects it and everything in between.
D + PAGE_UP Deselects the current picture, moves to regular page up, deselects it and everything in between.
D + HOME Deselects the current picture, moves to regular home, deselects it and everything in between.
D + END Deselects the current picture, moves to regular end, deselects it and everything in between.
D + SPACE Deselects the current picture, moves to regular page down, deselects it and everything in between.

Full Screen

F3 Toggle bottom slider
Escape Basic screen

Fast Move Popup

Pressing CTRL-M will bring up the fast move box.
Directory List Button